Saturday 13 August 2022

Organic Food Products of Universal Tribes

 Organic Food Products

Organic foods are those that have been produced without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, or chemicals. Fresh dairy and food products are among the organic foods. The nutrients in organic food are frequently higher.
The nutrients in organic foods come directly from the rich, wholesome, organic soil. Fertilizers shouldn't be required if the soil is healthy. Synthetic fertilizers created from fossil fuels provide the nutrients for crops grown on non-organic farms

The following are some organic food items from Universal Tribes that I'll mention:

1.) Raw Wild Honey

Vanam Raw Wild Honey

100% pure and organic honey can be found in the Vanam Raw Wild Honey. Our tribal employees directly harvest the fresh, unprocessed honey from the plantations. The procedure used to obtain the honey is organic. There are no preservatives or sugar in this raw wild honey. It only contains natural honey sweetener, which helps us fight off colds and coughs and boosts our immunity.

2.) Tribal Red Poha

Tribal Red Poha

Simply said, Poha is rice that has been parboiled, rolled, flattened, and dried to make flakes. The pressure used in the flattening process determines the thickness of the flakes. Since red rice is used to make it, red Poha is a source of fibre, iron, zinc, and other minerals as well as antioxidants. In comparison to the white variety, it provides excellent taste, making it a fantastic choice for diabetes, weight reduction, and constipation.

3.) Tribal Red Rice

Tribal Red Rice

Red rice has several wonderful health advantages, much as brown rice and white rice. Because it contains a substance called anthocyanin, this rice is often eaten either partly cooked or whole cooked. Red rice has a lot more nutrients than other types of rice and gets its eye-catching color from this ingredient. The red skin, which is packed with the goodness of nature, is what distinguishes this variety of rice as a healthy option. For diabetes and heart sufferers, red rice is highly helpful.

4.) Organic Jaggery Powder

Jaggery Powder

The natural sweetener and healthier alternative to white sugar is jaggery powder. The majority of the juice from sugarcane plants is used to create the jaggery powder. Micronutrients such as magnesium, copper, and iron are rich in jaggery.

Our organic jaggery powder is made from high-quality sugarcane and is completely chemical-free. Micronutrients in this jaggery powder support a healthy lifestyle.

5.) Turmeric Powder

Turmeric Powder

Haldi, another name for turmeric powder, has been used for thousands of years. Curry powders, mustards, and butters are typically flavoured or coloured with turmeric powder, a popular spice with a warm, bitter taste. It has been used as a dye, food colouring, and in Indian traditional medicine for thousands of years in Asia.

Our tribal farmers gather the chemical-free, 100% pure turmeric powder that we sell. This may be used to prepare food, acts as an antioxidant, and also benefits the health of your skin.

6.) Tribal Brown Rice

Tribal Brown Rice

The bran and germ are still present in brown rice, which is a whole grain. These offer fibre in addition to a number of vitamins and minerals. In addition to being full of nutrients and antioxidants, brown rice also has a number of health advantages.

Whole grain rice with fibres and minerals is what we call "Tribal Brown Rice." Compared to white rice, our brown rice is considerably more nutrient-rich and healthier. Because there are no chemicals at all, the taste is superior.

Visit our website for a wider selection of organic food items.

Write to me at for more information and suggestions-

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