Wednesday 17 August 2022

My own professional work experience with Universal Tribes


Work Experience with Universal Tribes

Universal Tribes

My Introduction

If I may introduce myself, my name is Ansh Kathuria, and I am a BBA student at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University in Delhi. I am a goal-oriented and ambitious person. If I talk about my strengths and weaknesses, my strengths are that I am constantly eager to learn new things and perform multitasking, and my weaknesses are that I can easily trust others.

About Universal Tribes

In order to empower and uplift the tribal communities of India, Universal Tribes, "A Tribal Upliftment Company," was founded in 2017 by Rajat Raghatwan . It collaborates with tribal farmers and tribal artisans.

They make sure that the tribal farmers and artisans receive fair compensation for the labour they have put in. Pune, Maharashtra, is home to the headquarters of Universal Tribes. To support and promote tribal art, they offer both offline stores and online platforms.

Work Experience In Universal Tribes

Human Resources Intern

If I discuss my own professional experience with Universal Tribes. In July, I began my journey as a Human Resources Intern at Universal Tribes. Initially, I was worried and confused about what would happen and whether or not I would be able to work, but my manager, Kritika Mam, always encourages me and says, "You can do this," so I gained confidence and everything went really well. Here I learnt how to use products like Google Workspace, Google Sheets, and many others. This internship will provide me with daily skill development workshops to help me enhance my abilities and knowledge. My manager, Kritika mam, is always there to answer my questions and to inspire me.
Finally, I'd want to express my gratitude to Kritika Mam, Rajat Sir, Rajkumar Rao Sir, and Pulkit Sir. Thank you for considering me for the Universal Tribes Team. I am delighted to be a part of Universal Tribes.

This internship has really helped me in developing my talents as a human resources professional and in enhancing my communication skills; I am no longer hesitant to interact with anybody and can do so with confidence.


Tuesday 16 August 2022

About the Tribal Upliftment Company "Universal Tribes"

 About Universal Tribes

Universal Tribes

In order to empower and uplift the tribal communities of India, Universal Tribes, "A Tribal Upliftment Company," was founded in 2017 by Rajat Raghatwan . It collaborates with tribal farmers and tribal artisans.

They make sure that the tribal farmers and artisans receive fair compensation for the labour they have put in. Indian tribal communities have a rich history and a strong health sector.

Pune, Maharashtra, is home to the headquarters of Universal Tribes. To support and promote tribal art, they offer both offline stores and online platforms.

"We are Universal Tribes, we always stand together!" is their tagline.

 Universal Tribes Vision

The mission of Universal Tribes is to empower every tribal farmer and artist. In order to uplift them for all socioeconomic activities in this society, we make sure that artists are enjoying their work, preserving it, and receiving fair compensation for the effort they spent creating it. They hope to provide tribal workers with as many job options as possible.

Universal Tribes Mission

The goal of Universal Tribes is to improve the quality of life for customers, tribal artists, and tribal farmers. They continue to support tribal farmers and artists in their efforts to produce healthy basic foods and beautiful works of art. Anyone may help by purchasing these incredible works of art and nutritious meals from because they have built digital and traditional networks that are accessible to everyone. Their primary goal is to strengthen and empower tribal communities.

Different Product Categories

1.) Handicrafts- There are many different sorts of handicrafts created by tribal artists in this section of the store. It comprises the handicrafts made by several tribal groups, such as Traditional Naga Jewellery, Dhokra art, Warli handicrafts, Bindu art, Woolen Handicrafts, Bottle Gourd Pen Stands and Bamboo Artifacts.

Handicrafts By Universal Tribes

2.) Paintings- Additionally, they have a significant collection of paintings, which are regarded as works of art by tribal artists. They use natural colors and paint by hand to create amazing works of art. There are two types of paintings in it:

a.) Warli Paintings: Warli paintings are a style of painting in which shapes like triangles, circles, and squares are used to create a whole artwork and give it a deep significance. Warli paintings are produced by members of the Maharashtrian Warli tribe.

Warli Paintings

b.) Gond Paintings - The Gond Tribe, one of the biggest tribes in India, produces Gond paintings, a style of painting inspired from folk and tribal art. Originally from Madhya Pradesh, this tribe.

Gond Paintings

3.) Organic Foods- They provide a huge selection of organic food items. Without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, or chemicals, the tribal farmers directly produce these organic foods. They produce these items using sustainable agricultural practices. Your health will be improved by its organic nature and absolute lack of chemicals.

Organic food products includes such as Raw wild honey, Red Poha, Brown Poha, Red rice, Tribal Dosa Rice, Dhaniya Powder, Jaggery Powder and many more.

Organic Food Products

4.) Ayurvedic Collection- Ayurvedic Collection is also available at Universal Tribes. Since 5000 years, Ayurvedic medicines and products have been used in India to promote healthy lifestyles. Ayurveda calms the mind, the spirit, and all of our physical and mental senses. It has no major or mild negative effects.

A healthy and spiritual living has also been followed with Universal Tribes Ayurvedic Collection.

Ayurvedic Collection

5.) Special Combo Products- Finally, they offer items that combine elements of their organic and ayurvedic collections. You may find a variety of product combinations in these, like Red Poha with Brown Poha, Brown Poha with Organic honey, and many more. You will also receive some exciting savings with these combos.

Special Combo products

Refer and Earn "Affiliate Program"

With the launch of Universal Tribes affiliate Program, you can earn up to 15% commission on every successful referral. Anyone with interest is welcome to join this Program. There are a few straightforward procedures to earn:

1.) The first step is to register for a free account on the site.

2.) You should promote universal tribes' products on social media and blogs, and they may assist you by giving you access to linking tools.

3.) Finally, you may earn up to 15% commission for every referral that is successful.

Sunday 14 August 2022

About Tribes of India


Tribes of India

Tribes of India

Who are Tribal Communities?

A tribe is a human social group that mostly inhabits a forested area and makes its living by hunting animals and engaging in nomadic agriculture. They have unique cultural, religious, and traditional customs that vary significantly from those of the majority. A tribe is a distinct cultural, social, and political entity due to a number of features and characteristics it contains.

In India, tribes were often referred to as "Adivasis."

Tribes in India

Schedule 5 of the Indian Constitution recognizes the existence of tribal communities in India. So-called "Scheduled Tribes" are the tribes that the Constitution recognizes.

In India, there are around 645 different tribes. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and a few more states also has tribal communities.

Ministry of Tribal Affairs

The general development of India's scheduled tribes is the responsibility of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. With the aim of providing a more focused approach on the integrated socio-economic development of the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the most underprivileged of the Indian Society, in a coordinated and planned manner, this Ministry was established in 1999 following the division of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

5 Major Tribal Communities of India

1.) Bhil Tribe

Bhil Tribe

Bhils are frequently referred to be Rajasthan's bowmen. They make up the majority of India's tribal groupings. They make up the biggest tribe in all of South Asia. Bhils are primarily separated into two groups: the eastern or Rajput Bhils and the central or pure bills. The mountainous areas of the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Rajasthan are home to the central Bhils. Additionally, Bhils may be found in Tripura's northeastern regions.

Staple food of Tribe- Maize, Barley, Millet and Rice.

Language- Majorly they speak Bhili Language.

Main Economic activities- Farming and Fishing.

Religion- Hindus by religion, Majorly worship Lord Shiva and Lord Durga.

ClothingWomen wear Sari and Ghagra Choli, while males wear Pagri, Dhoti, and Gammacha.

2.) Gond Tribe

Gond Tribe

One of the biggest tribes in the world is the Gond. Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Odisha are where they primarily live.

Raj Gonds, Madia Gonds, Dhurve Gonds, and Khatulwar Gonds are the four tribes that comprise the Gonds.

Staple food of Tribe- Kodo Millet and Kutki Millet.

Language- Majorly they speak Gondi Language which is unspoken language.

Main Economic activities-Jhomming Agriculture and Hunting.

ReligionThey believe in Cult of the Persa Pen, ancestor spirit worship.

ClothingMen wear Dhoti and Women wear cotton sari and choli.

3.) Santhal Tribe

Santhal Tribe

Santhal Tribe is India's third-largest tribe. The states of West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, and Assam are where this group primarily lives. Great warriors under the British Empire, the Santhal Tribe peoples engaged in battle with Lord Cornwallis in 1855. The Santhal tribe is fond of dancing. It runs in their blood to dance.

Staple food of Tribe- Rice and Maize are the main staple food.

Language- Majorly they speak Santhali Language.

Main Economic Activities- Agriculture, Hunting, Fishing and Rearing.

Religion- Hinduism and Sarna Religion.

Clothing- Men's Wear Loom Loin Cloth, Shirt and Gamchha and Women wear Green or blue check saree.

4.) Munda Tribe

Munda Tribe

The Munda Tribe is a South East Asian tribal group. Most Munda people live in Jharkhand, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, and Bihar. The Munda term often refers to the Headmen of the village. The most respected member of the Munda people is Birsa Munda, a Prophet and also, a freedom fighter in the Indian Fight For independence.

Staple food of Tribe- Boiled rice is the main staple food.

Language- Majorly they speak Mundari Language.

Main Economic Activities- Herding, Weaving and Basketwork.

Religion- Sing Bonga is regarded as the Supreme God.

Clothing- Men wear Pant and Shirt and Women wear cotton saris.

5.) Khasi Tribe

Khasi Tribe

The Khasi tribe is mostly located in the states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, West Bengal, and Jammu and Kashmir, as well as in the Khasi Jaintia hills of Meghalaya. They go by a variety of names, including Khasi Pahris, Kassi, and Khasa In the state of Meghalaya, the majority of the people is Khasi. According to history, the Khasis were among the first tribes to migrate from Myanmar and settle in the east Assam plains. The Khasis formerly had their own kingdom. The Khasi Tribe has an unique culture.

Staple food of Tribe- Rice, Fish and Meat.

Language- Majorly they speak Khasi Language.

Main Economic Activities- Shifting Cultivation is a main activity.

Religion- Mostly were Christians, their Supreme God is U Blie Nong Thaw.

Clothing- Men Wear Jymphong and Women wear Jainsem.

Points to Remember

1.) According to the 2011 Census, there are 10.43 crore Scheduled Tribes in the country, or 8.6% of the total population. 2.8% of Scheduled Tribes live in urban areas, which is a low percentage.

2.) The state with the most scheduled tribes is Madhya Pradesh, followed by Orissa.

3.) Neither Punjab, Delhi, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, nor Haryana have any Scheduled Tribes.

4.) In the Lok Sabha, 47 seats are set aside for Scheduled Tribes.



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Saturday 13 August 2022

Organic Food Products of Universal Tribes

 Organic Food Products

Organic foods are those that have been produced without the use of pesticides, fertilizers, or chemicals. Fresh dairy and food products are among the organic foods. The nutrients in organic food are frequently higher.
The nutrients in organic foods come directly from the rich, wholesome, organic soil. Fertilizers shouldn't be required if the soil is healthy. Synthetic fertilizers created from fossil fuels provide the nutrients for crops grown on non-organic farms

The following are some organic food items from Universal Tribes that I'll mention:

1.) Raw Wild Honey

Vanam Raw Wild Honey

100% pure and organic honey can be found in the Vanam Raw Wild Honey. Our tribal employees directly harvest the fresh, unprocessed honey from the plantations. The procedure used to obtain the honey is organic. There are no preservatives or sugar in this raw wild honey. It only contains natural honey sweetener, which helps us fight off colds and coughs and boosts our immunity.

2.) Tribal Red Poha

Tribal Red Poha

Simply said, Poha is rice that has been parboiled, rolled, flattened, and dried to make flakes. The pressure used in the flattening process determines the thickness of the flakes. Since red rice is used to make it, red Poha is a source of fibre, iron, zinc, and other minerals as well as antioxidants. In comparison to the white variety, it provides excellent taste, making it a fantastic choice for diabetes, weight reduction, and constipation.

3.) Tribal Red Rice

Tribal Red Rice

Red rice has several wonderful health advantages, much as brown rice and white rice. Because it contains a substance called anthocyanin, this rice is often eaten either partly cooked or whole cooked. Red rice has a lot more nutrients than other types of rice and gets its eye-catching color from this ingredient. The red skin, which is packed with the goodness of nature, is what distinguishes this variety of rice as a healthy option. For diabetes and heart sufferers, red rice is highly helpful.

4.) Organic Jaggery Powder

Jaggery Powder

The natural sweetener and healthier alternative to white sugar is jaggery powder. The majority of the juice from sugarcane plants is used to create the jaggery powder. Micronutrients such as magnesium, copper, and iron are rich in jaggery.

Our organic jaggery powder is made from high-quality sugarcane and is completely chemical-free. Micronutrients in this jaggery powder support a healthy lifestyle.

5.) Turmeric Powder

Turmeric Powder

Haldi, another name for turmeric powder, has been used for thousands of years. Curry powders, mustards, and butters are typically flavoured or coloured with turmeric powder, a popular spice with a warm, bitter taste. It has been used as a dye, food colouring, and in Indian traditional medicine for thousands of years in Asia.

Our tribal farmers gather the chemical-free, 100% pure turmeric powder that we sell. This may be used to prepare food, acts as an antioxidant, and also benefits the health of your skin.

6.) Tribal Brown Rice

Tribal Brown Rice

The bran and germ are still present in brown rice, which is a whole grain. These offer fibre in addition to a number of vitamins and minerals. In addition to being full of nutrients and antioxidants, brown rice also has a number of health advantages.

Whole grain rice with fibres and minerals is what we call "Tribal Brown Rice." Compared to white rice, our brown rice is considerably more nutrient-rich and healthier. Because there are no chemicals at all, the taste is superior.

Visit our website for a wider selection of organic food items.

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Sunday 6 March 2022

7 Essential Apps that Every Traveler Needs

7 Essential Apps that Every Traveler Needs

7 Essential Apps that Every Traveler Needs

These are the most useful travel apps to download before you go, from tracking airline delays to finding last-minute accommodations and even locating the nearest public restroom. Using the appropriate travel applications may help you save time and money while also making your journey less stressful. Many of these applications also offer local suggestions and secret gems that tourists rarely discover, and some are absolutely free. These are the 22 greatest travel applications to have on your phone before your next trip.

1.) Citymapper


Citymapper helps tourists discover the quickest way to their location by offering step-by-step directions to the nearest bus and rail stations You'll be able to check when the next arrivals are, and thanks to real-time routing, you'll receive updates every minute. The app also has a chat option, which allows you to keep friends and family up to speed on your E.T.A. wherever you are.

Available on IOS and Android

2.) Airbnb


You may search for lodgings in your selected area, whether you want to rent a room, a home, or a complete farm. The app (available for free on Google Play and iTunes) allows you to browse through photographs and reviews, as well as sort by facilities such as a pool or a washing machine. In addition, a local host can give recommendations for fantastic restaurants.

Available on IOS and Android

3.) Google Translate

Google TranslateGoogle Translate

Google Translate is a translation programme that lets you do it all: translate into 108 languages by typing, access 59 languages offline, translate through photo for 94 languages, translate bilingual conversations for 70 languages, and even translate 96 languages by handwriting. Google Translate is very straightforward to use, with top-level icons that allow you to draw, take a photo, talk, or text.

Android on IOS and Android

4.) Google Maps

Google MapsGoogle Maps

When visiting a new city, this app is a must-have. In some cities, you can map destinations, receive directions, and see how packed the subway will be. You can make restaurant reservations, save your favourite restaurants, and leave reviews. If you know you'll be without internet at your location, be sure to download relevant city or region maps ahead of time for offline use. The app works best when your GPS is turned on, for obvious reasons.

Available on IOS and Android

5.) Skyscanner


The Skyscanner app allows you to search for and compare the cheapest flights. If you know your trip dates ahead of time, you'll be able to easily locate the best bargains - filter by price, flight duration, number of stops, greener flights, and more. Use the 'Top Offers' area to get great offers from low-cost airlines, as well as Price Alerts to be notified when prices change. You can also use this vacation app to compare hotels and vehicle rentals.

Available on IOS and Android

6.) Packpoint


Packpoint removes the effort of handwritten checklists, relieves the stress of packing, and saves you from that terrible sinking feeling at the airport. This intelligent tool generates a personalized packing list for you based on your gender, travel location, dates, duration, trip type, and even the weather. Add and delete your own customized things from the list, change the amount of items, and mark items off as you pack. Packing like a pro has never been simpler!

Available on IOS and Android

7.) XE Currency Converter

XE Currency ConverterXE Currency Converter

The XE Currency Converter app immediately gives live, up-to-the-minute currency values, which you can then save and see even when you're not connected to the internet. You'll never have to question if you're getting a decent bargain in another nation again.

Available on IOS and Android

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Saturday 19 February 2022

7 Best Places to Visit in India in March 2022

 Jai Guru Ji

Best Places to visit In March

7 Best Places to Visit in India in March 2022

March is a month that is on the edge of summer and spring, so the options for locations to visit in India in March are nearly limitless. With winter just beginning to shed its coat, cloudy mornings and mild weather throughout the day make for an excellent vacation. Here are a few spots to visit in March in India for a vacation in preparation for the summers. Take a look!

1.) Lakshadweep- A Coral Island

If you love a beautiful tropical environment, isolated beaches, and warm waters, Lakshadweep should be your March destination. Although some of the islands are lovely during the monsoon, now is the best season to swim in the waters without being disturbed and walk freely on the sandy beaches in the warm sun.

How to reach- Agatti Airport is the Nearest Airport.

Places to visit- Agatti islands, Minicoy islands, Kadmat, Lighthouse of Minicoy.

2.) Rameshwaram- beautiful beaches and a pleasant climate


Rameshwaram has some pretty fantastic beaches because it is an island town, and March is the perfect month to enjoy the lovely environment of this wonderfully calm and beautiful town. Also, the town is picture-perfect, so you'll return back with a lot of great photos. It gets hot and humid in late March, so avoid going here during that time.

How to reach- Madurai Airport is the Nearest Airport or you can also reach their by Train.

Places to Visit- Ramanathaswamy Temple, Pamban Bridge, Adam's Bridge, Water Bird Sanctuary 

3.) Ooty- Scenic Beauty


It is also one of the most popular honeymoon destinations in India in March. Ooty is surrounded by lush green beauty, botanical gardens, and the lakes seem more attractive than ever in March. In March, the tea and spice gardens in Ooty begin to blossom, turning the entire hill resort into a blaze of colour. The scent of fresh tea and spices may be detected in the air in Ooty.

How to reach- Coimbatore Airport is 90 km of Ooty you can hire a cab from there.

Places to Visit- Ooty Lake, Shooting Point, Nilgiri Mountain Railway, Pykara Lake.

4.) Shillong- Scotland of India


Shillong is the state capital of Meghalaya and a popular tourist destination. On your trip, you may visit the city's various zoos, museums, golf courses, and lakes. You may also visit the beautiful waterfalls or music festivals, which are frequently held in the city because it is India's music capital. In March, this is one of the top honeymoon destinations in India.

How to reach- Take a bus from Guwahati to Shillong and you'll be there in about three hours.

Places to Visit- Mawlynnong, Umiam Lake

5.) Gangtok- Land of Monasteries


Gangtok has pleasantly mild weather during the month of March. Sikkim's gorgeous capital is rich with beauties and is regarded as the major destination for Sikkim Tourism. With a variety of locations to see, Gangtok is certainly one of the top places to visit in India in March.

How to reach- Bagdogra is the nearest Airport and then you can hire a ca till Gangtok.

Places to Visit- Hanuman Tok, Tashi view point, Enchey Monastery, Rumtek Monastery.

6.) Mount Abu- Only Hill Station in Rajasthan

Mount Abu only hill station in Rajasthan

It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful and nicest holiday spots in March. Mount Abu's summer season begins in March, thus the days are nice throughout that period, making it ideal for sightseeing. Evenings are very nice here, and the temperature rarely rises over 33°C. Aside from the lovely weather, one must visit the town to view in the Gangaur festival.

How to reach- Udaipur is the nearest Airport and then you can hire a cab or taxi till Mount Abu.

Places to Visit- Nakki Lake, Sunset Point, Bailey's Walk

7.) Varanasi- Holiest City


Varanasi, known among the locals as the holiest city, is undoubtedly a destination for anyone seeking to see India's mysterious side. Lord Shiva is said to have established Varanasi, according to Hindu mythology. The city holds great religious and spiritual significance for Hindus and Buddhists equally. Go to the city to spiritually wake yourself!

How to reach- Take a train till Varanasi Station.

Places to Visit- Assi Ghat, Manikarnika Ghat.

We hope that this list of tourist places to visit in March in India assists you in deciding the best location for you. If these locations catch your interest, you can begin planning your March Indian vacation right immediately!

Monday 7 February 2022

The 5 Best Hotels in Goa to Stay at in 2022

 Jai Guru Ji

5 Best Hotels in Goa 

5 Best Hotels in Goa

Goa, India's Beachland, features several luxury hotels that are well-known for its hospitality, luxury services, comfort, and atmosphere. So, go ahead and reserve a room at one of Goa's best luxury hotels!

1.) Taj Exotica

Taj Exotica Goa

Lush gardens, floral courtyard, old-world architecture, big banquet rooms, and sun-filled atriums all welcome you here. Time will truly stand still in this paradise, which is only a few minutes' drive from Benaulim Beach. Relax your nerves with a treatment session at the Jiva Spa, lay by the pool, gorge on delicious cuisine, try your hand at archery, or experience some exciting watersports! Taj Exotica is largely viewed as one of the best hotels in Goa, having its own private beach.

Address: Calwaddo, Benaulim, Goa 403716

Key Attractions: Golf Course, Garden Villa, Water Sports

Amenities: Free Wi-Fi, Beach side pool, Spa, Free parking, Games room, Tennis, Golf etc.

Tariffs: INR 14000 per night onwards


2.) Alila Diwa Goa

Alila Diwa Goa

The Alila Diwa Goa boasts its own infinity pool, hot tub, and open-air jacuzzi where you may relax for hours. Its outstanding services place it among the greatest luxury hotels in Goa. The large relaxing courtyards, cool verandahs, peaceful deluxe suites, and gorgeous views make this luxury hotel ideal for a holiday. Stay in comfort and enjoy the finest of Goa at this elegant and exclusive enclave. It is also one of the best 5-star hotels in Goa for a romantic trip.

Address: 48/10, Adao Waddo, Majorda, Goa 403713

Key Attractions: open air jacuzzi, Spice Studio- The Pan Indian Restaurant, Martin;s corner Restaurant

Amenities: Free Wi-Fi, Free breakfast, Gym, Beach access, Br etc.

Tariffs: INR 13,500 per night onwards


3.) Vivanta Goa

Vivanta Goa

The bungalows at Vivanta provide beautiful views of the Arabian Sea and will keep you in good spirits during your journey to Goa. Because each cottage has a unique and wonderful view of the private garden, beach, sea, and sunsets, it is one of the best hotels in Goa. There's also a sunset balcony where you may have romantic dinners with your significant other. Feast on delicious cuisines at the hotel's several restaurants before being treated in the beauty salon. Vivanta is without a doubt the greatest 7-star hotel in Goa and one of the top hotels in the country.

Address:  OFF DB Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa, 403001, India

Key Attractions:  Rooftop Cubana Diner, Champagne Sunset Cruise, Signature Spa Experience at Jiva Spa

Amenities: Free Wi-Fi and parking, Wellness facility, Hot tub, Outdoor pool

Tariffs: INR 9000 Per night onwards


4.) Goa Marriot Resort and Spa

Goa Marriot Resort and Spa

The Goa Marriott Resort and Spa is one of the most luxurious hotels in Goa, located just a short distance from the Miramar beach. The apartments are well decorated and provide stunning views of the sea and beach. Because it is located in the heart of Goa, there is plenty of sightseeing to be done here as well.

Address:  Miramar, Panaji, Goa 403001

Key Attractions: Swim up Bar, Mum's Kitchen, Bay View Rooms

Amenities: Free Wi-Fi and parking, Outdoor pool, Beach front, Game room, Casino etc.

Tariffs: INR 10000 per night onwards


5.) Ramada Caravela Beach Resort

Ramada Caravela Beach Resort

Because of its manicured grounds, large accommodations, and grand bungalows, the Ramada Caravela Beach Resort is rated as one of the best hotels in Goa for families. At the private beach, you may enjoy live band performances and specialized parties. There are other fine dining restaurants in the area. The beach resort's contemporary and stylish décor defines it as one of the top luxury resorts in Goa, and it will truly make you appreciate your luxurious break in Goa.

Address: Varca, beach, Margao, Goa 403721

Key Attractions:- Island Bar, Tennis Court etc.

Amenities: Free Wi-Fi, Hot tub, Fitness Centre, Bar, Nightclub etc.

Tariffs: INR 9000 per night onwards

Are you looking forward to staying at one of these luxury hotels in Goa? If so, book a trip to Goa soon to have a fun-filled beach vacation at your preferred property from the list and take use of the greatest facilities while enjoying the stunning views.

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